Architectural Fundamentals (Donostia-San Sebastián) - UPV/EHU

Study Programmes Evaluation's Reports

Supply and Demand Results:

Places available 150150150
New admission matriculation for new admission as their first option 11111096
New admission matriculation in first year (Spanish) 635151
New admission matriculation in first year (Basque) 475950
New admission matrículation in first year (English)
Study access route:
      UET (University Entrance Test) 10510186
      Spanish university degree
      Vocational Training 275
      University degree from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
      >25 years 100
      University degree from outside the EHEA which gives access to 2nd or 3rd cycle studies
      Others 1159
Minimum admission results 5.135,285,206
Foreign new students 6107
Occupation of the degree 79,3375,3366,66
Preference of the degree 99,00105,000,95
Number of students with a grant (Females) 7277*73
Number of students with a grant (Males) 7566*55
*Basque Government, Ministry for Science and Education and UPV/EHU´s scholarships inclusive


Learning Results:

Performance rate 71,9869,6067,9
Rate of drop out of studies Not available *21,69**27,03
Graduation rate Not available *51,22**45,83
Success rate 86,6285,6486,63
Evaluation rate 83,1081,2878,38
Efficiency rate 95,8590,7388,82
Mobility students sent (SICUE-SÉNECA, ERASMUS, OTHER PROGRAMMES) 1087578
Mobility students received (SICUE-SÉNECA, ERASMUS, OTHER PROGRAMMES) 102122152
Student satisfaction 3,8/53,83,9
Graduate satisfaction Not available
*Architectural Fundamentals started in 2011. As it is a 5 year long study programme, data will not be available until the comming year.
**Cohort 2011-2012